
by | June 22, 2012 | Uncategorized

New Campaign on Roma Women Empowerment launched

EPHA attended a launch of a new campaign dedicated to the empowerment of Roma Women  ‘Our Place, Our Space, Our Case’. The campaign aims to empower Roma women to gain strength and power to take control of their own lives by becoming visible agents of change within their communities and by raising their voices to influence policies and programmes affecting them.

The campaign is implemented by ERGO Network together with their partner organisations from several South-Eastern European region, and focuses on the empowerment of grassroots Roma women to interact and participate in economic and social life, communities and states to become equal citizens, while keeping their identities.

The campaign was welcomed by the representatives of the European Commission’s directorates for Information Society, Justice and Fundamental Rights, and Enlargement. Kinga Goncz MEP (S&D, Hungary) was a chair of the short debate with the invitees.


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