
by | May 12, 2004 | Uncategorized

Obesity in children and young people: A crisis in public health

A new report from the World Health Organisation (WHO) reveals that overweight affects 1 in 10 children worldwide.

The report, “Obesity in children and young people: A crisis in public health”, has been issued by the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) of the WHO in co-operation with the Iternational Association for the Study of Obesity (IASO) in May 2004.

Around 30-45 million within that figure are classified as obese – accounting for 2-3% of the world’s children aged 5-17.

A further 22 million younger children are also affected according to previous IOTF global estimates based on WHO data for under fives.

The report identifies examples of problematic social trends:

– Increase in use of motorized transport, e.g. to school.

– Fall in opportunities for recreational physical activity.

– Increased sedentary recreation.

– Multiple TV channels around the clock.

– Greater quantities and variety of energy dense foods available.

– Rising levels of promotion and marketing of energy-dense foods.

– More frequent and widespread food purchasing opportunities.

– More use of restaurants and fast food stores.

– Larger portions of food offering better ‘value’ for money.

– Increased frequency of eating occasions.

– Rising use of soft drinks to replace water, e.g. in schools.

Stronger policies are needed to:

– provide clear and consistent consumer information, e.g. on food labels;

– encourage food companies to provide lower energy, more nutritious foods marketed for children;

– develop criteria for advertising that promotes healthier eating;

– improve maternal nutrition and encourage breast-feeding of infants;

– design secure play facilities and safe local neighbourhoods;

– encourage schools to enact coherent food, nutrition and physical activity policies;

– encourage medical and health professionals to partic­ipate in the development of public health programmes.


The report is available upon request from the IOTF.

– More information on childhood obesity and the work of the IOTF.

Comparative charter on children’s obesity.

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