
by | February 27, 2012 | Uncategorized

Stakeholder meeting on revision of Professional Qualifications Directive: key dates and actors

A stakeholder meeting took place at the beginning of February to gather further comments on the legislative proposal for modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive. It zoomed in on some of the key issues of concern to health professionals and patients. More information on key dates and key actors for EPHA members.

The Commission released its legislative proposal for the revision of the Professional Qualifications Directive (DIR36) on 19 December 2011. One month later, the file was referred to the IMCO Committee in the European Parliament. The Rapporteur will be Bernadette Vergnaud MEP (S&D, France), with the following shadow rapporteurs: Constance Le Grip MEP (EPP, France), Emilie Turunen MEP (Greens/EFA, Denmark), Emma McClarkin MEP (ECR, UK), Mikael Gustafsson MEP (EUL/NGL, Sweden), and Matteo Salvini MEP (EFD, Italy).

The Committees expected to submit an opinion are EMPL, ENVI and CULT (N.B. the latter decided not to give one). The file will go through the ordinary legislative procedure.

Meanwhile, a stakeholder meeting on the modernisation of the Directive took place on 2 February 2012 at the Berlaymont, chaired by Mr Juergen Tiedje, the head of the unit in charge of this dossier at DG MARKT. The meeting served to clarify points and gather input on some of the main points brought up in the Commission’s Green Paper consultation last year, e.g. the introduction of a European Professional Card (now taking the form of an electronic certificate), the Points of Single Contact, reduction of administrative burden regarding establishment and temporary mobility of professionals, easing mobility for remunerated traineeships, the establishment of common training frameworks and training tests for professions not falling under the ‘’automatic recognition’’ regime, as well as specific concerns related to the health professions represented by EPHA (click here to view EPHA’s position on the modernisation of DIR36, and its Joint Statement with EPF, EWL and BEUC), e.g. issues related to updating minimum training and education requirements, mandatory language testing, IMI alerts, and Continuous Professional Development- CPD).

However, the meeting also revealed a number of uncertainties that will require follow-up, amongst them the question as to who can be in charge of testing professionals’ language skills, the extent of partial access foreseen by the Commission to certain professions, the role of CPD, and improving mobility for health specialists through common frameworks.

These issues will also be discussed at EPHA’s next Working Group on Health Professionals that will take place on 8 March 2012.

Next steps

– 4 Working Parties will be dealing with the file in Council, + 1 Working Party with Danish Presidency
– First discussion within IMCO on 28 February
– EP hearing on 25 March
– Indicative plenary sitting date 14 January 2013

For further information

DG MARKT – webcast meeting on the Modernisation of the Professional Qualifications Directive
DG MARKT – Proposal for modernising the Professional Qualifications Directive
DG MARKT – Study ”Providing an inventory of reserves of activities linked to professional qualifications requirements in 13 EU Member States and assessing their economic impact” – Executive Summary

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