
by | September 11, 2014 | News Release, Statements

Statement of Clarification in Responses to Questions Regarding the Pharmaceutical Industry

11 September 2014 – We would like to confirm in response to a number of questions received today that the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) is withdrawing its support for the proposed Health for Citizen’s Intergroup in the European Parliament. EPHA had been discussing support for an Intergroup as part of a coalition of non-governmental organisations and organisations representing economic operators, a new and exciting venture with the expectation of supporting the European Parliament in implementing a coherent approach to citizens’ health. It is with great regret we feel this is no longer achievable due to the developments of the last 24 hours.

The decision of the President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker to move the governance of key dossiers relating to public health from the Commissioner responsible for health and food safety to the Commissioner responsible for enterprise and industry is not a decision that EPHA can support.

The proposed change in the responsibilities of the new College of Commissioners unveiled by President-elect Jean-Claude Juncker yesterday is in direct contradiction to the need for a coherent and unified health policy within the European Union. This change makes our support for the proposed Intergroup untenable and in direct contradiction with our core position that health and health care should be led by public health interests and the public good.

EPHA will release a detailed press briefing on this subject at 12h30 pm on 12 September 2014.

All media enquiries to: Javier Delgado Rivera, EPHA Communications Coordinator at or +32 (0) 2 233 38 76 / (m) +32 (0) 484 919 156.

All other enquiries to: Leonardo Palumbo, EPHA Policy Coordinator for EU Affairs and Governance at or +32 2 233 3884.

Statement of Clarification in Responses to Questions Regarding the Pharmaceutical Industry <img7253|center>

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