
by | July 23, 2014 | Uncategorized

Strong Health Workforces and Sustainable Health Systems – HW4All

As a fundamental pillar of the social and welfare model that defines and strengthens European identity, a solid health workforce is a public resource that must be secured at the local, national and global levels. Therefore EPHA supports the HW4All initiative with its goal of reinforcing the ethical guidelines outlined in the 2010 WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel.

Recent developments

On 15 and 16 July, EPHA attended separate meetings with select Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) in Strasbourg, to discuss their potential involvement in support of the HW4All project and its vision for health workforce sustainability, expressed by the European Call to Action. The intended outcome is to establish a firm background for cooperation with stakeholders whose mission echoes the principle of building strong health workforces in a global dimension.

Since its launch on 5 June 2014, the European Call to Action ‘A Health Worker for Everyone, Everywhere’ – pronouncing recommendations on the implementation of the WHO Global Code of Practice – has already gained the support of over 170 institutional actors and individuals through online signatures. The Call is powered by the HW4All project coordinated by Wemos and its partners including the African Medical and Research Foundation – Amref (Italy), Health Poverty Action (UK), terre des hommes (Germany), Center for Health Policies and Services (Poland), Humanitarian Aid Foundation Redemptoris Missio (Poland), Memisa Belgium, and the Federation of Associations of Medicus Mundi (Spain), and Medicus Mundi International (MMI). Many other organisations, including EPHA, have joined them to sign the call.

Register and sign the Call for strong and sustainable health workforce – as an organisation or an individual. It will be submitted by HW4All to European decision makers at a conference in 2015.

‘Health Workers 4 All’ is a European civil society initiative, funded by the EU, that contributes to a sustainable global health workforce. HW4All is also the driving force behind the 2014 Call to Action to European decision-makers for strong health workforces and sustainable health systems around the world.

The Call to Action contains the following key messages:

  • Plan long-term and train self-sustaining workforces
  • Invest in the health workforce
  • Respect the rights of migrant health workers
  • Think and act coherently at national, regional, and global level
  • Play your part in WHO Code implementation

See the full text of the WHO Global Code of Practice on the International Recruitment of Health Personnel.

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