The European Health Data Space From a Civil Society Perspective

18 November 2021

11:00 - 12:30 CET


As a policy initiative, the EHDS aims to provide a common framework across EU Member States for the sharing and exchange of quality health data such as electronic health records, patient registries, and genomic data, in order to support healthcare delivery, but also to facilitate health research, policymaking, and legislation.

We aim to bring together policymakers and members of the civil society – particularly representatives of patient groups, health practitioners, and vulnerable communities – to discuss the implications that the creation of the EHDS will have on EU citizens. The event will thus offer the opportunity to educate the audience about the importance of the EHDS, while also providing members of civil society with a platform to share their views and potential concerns on the issue.

Event Materials


Welcome & Introduction

Dr. Rok Hrzic
Physician-epidemiologist, Maastricht University

European Health Data Space: State of Play

Hugo van Haastert
DG SANTE, European Commission 

Panel Discussion
  • Arthur Dauphin
    Project Manager, France Assos Santé
  • Dr. Wendy Yared
    Director of the Association of European Cancer Leagues (ECL)
  • Denis Onyango
    European AIDS Treatment Group (EATG)
  • Petrica Dulgheru
    Chair of the Board of the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative (REDI)
  • Hugo van Haastert
    DG SANTE, European Commission
Closing Remarks

Filip Karan
Junior Policy Manager for Digital Health, EPHA 

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