
by | January 22, 2006 | Uncategorized

Transatlantic approaches to tackle obesity and diet-related disease

The European Consumers’ Organisation (BEUC) and the Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) organised a conference on “Generation Excess II: a review of transatlantic approach to tackling obesity and diet related disease” on 1-2 December 2005 in Brussels.

The conference brought together a variety of stakeholders and regulators to consider what actions have to be taken in US and Europe to tackle obesity.

The first day the discussion concentrated on where we stand now in tackling obesity, what role and responsibility industries have in relation to the issue, and how we can achieve healthy food environments at national levels.

During the second day special themes such as parents under pressure by the ubiquity of commercial communication and the use of nutrient profiles in advertising and labeling regulation were discussed.

The European Commission announced that it will issue a Green Paper on Diet and Physical Activities at the end of 2005, which will be used as a wide consultation in order to receive several responses from a variety of stakeholders.

The European Platform of Diet, Physical activity and Health, launched on 15 March 2005, was highly criticised by the participants. The Commission representative Paola Testori, confirmed that if the Platform doesn’t make results, then the money will be directed to other issues.

The American consumers organisations shared that obesity rate is higher among ethnic groups. It was concluded that such low income families should be specifically targeted.

Carrefour presented their policy of responsibility for consumers, which consists of three axis of action: recipe and production process, clear information on packaging, two-fold communication with consumers. KRAFT showed its focus on fortification of products by adding vitamin C, portion control packages and no advertising policy to kids under 6.

Signpost labeling was stated as very important information that busy people can use to help them make healthier food choices more quickly and easily. Commercial presentations and marketing of food was viewed as a contributing factor to the current crisis diet, nutrition and obesity.

It was concluded at the conference that bold aggressive actions, legislative, social and cultural changes are required in order to tackle obesity.

Full agenda, Report and Participants, all presentations could be seen at


For more information EPHA related articles:

Watching TV increases the risk of obesity
U.S. report calls for “Urgent effort to combat obesity”
Briefing on the TACD conference on food and nutrition

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