
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership International Trade Law, Health Systems and Public Health

The London School of Economics and Political Science study

Free trade agreements (FTAs) have the declared aim of seeking to increase global trade and promote economic growth. Historically, economic growth has led to improved population health. Yet this link is now weakening, and attention is being focussed on assessing the effect of FTAs on health and the ability of government to mitigate against negative impact. Within this context, this study presents an assessment of the health impact of the proposed FTA between the United States and the European Union.

 Khan, U., Pallot, R., Taylor, D. and Kanavos, P. (2015)’The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: international trade law, health systems and public health’ London School of Economics and Political Science and Modus Europe report.


Last modified on December 4 2015.

A grant from the following organisations made the research possible:

Commissioning organisations’ statements

Royal College of Physicians (RCP) statement – LSE report on TTIP and health

European Heart Network (EHN) – Paper on TTIP, international trade and cardiovascular health

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) – What effect will TTIP have on health in the EU?

Other publications relevant for Trade and Public Health

Regulatory cooperation at the core of TTIP and its likely consequences, by the European Economists for an Alternative Economic Policy in Europe (the EuroMemo Group).

The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership and the Parliamentary Dimension of Regulatory Cooperation, authored by Alberto Alemanno and commissioned by The European Parliament research service.

Costs and Benefits of an EU-USA Investment Protection Treaty, by the London School of Economics (LSE) Enterprise.

‘Impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) on the Legal Framework for Public Services in Europe’, by Professor Markus Krajewski and Britta Kynast, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg.

‘The legal implications for the NHS of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership’. Study commissioned by Unite the Union and written by Dr. Kyriaki-Korina Raptopoulou is a specialist practitioner in Medical Law, Health Law, Social Security and Public Procurement Law.

’Trading Health? UK Faculty of Public Health Policy Report on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership’ – (c) UK Faculty of Public Health 2015, Produced by the UK Faculty of Public Health

‘Race to the bottom’ or setting global standards? Assessing the regulatory impact of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) by Ferdi De Ville assistant professor in EU studies at Ghent University and Gabriel Siles-Brügge Lecturer in Politics at University of Manchester

TTIP, ISDS and the Implications for Irish Public Health Policy A Report for the Irish Cancer Society Dr Joshua Curtis and Dr John Reynolds July 2015

☐ Alemanno, Alberto, The Regulatory Cooperation Chapter of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: Institutional Structures and Democratic Consequences (August 26, 2015). Journal of International Economic Law, 2015 Forthcoming. Available at SSRN:

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