
by | November 19, 2012 | Opinion

WHO agrees on 25% decrease target in non-communicable diseases-related premature mortality by 2025

On 9 November 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) Member States agreed on a list of global targets to be achieved by 2025. The goals have the general objective of decreasing premature mortality from non-communicable diseases by 25%, the so-called “25 by 25”. The framework consists of nine global targets and 25 indicators.

Initiated by recommendations from a WHO Working Group on non-communicable diseases targets back in July 2011, and after a series of open consultations, WHO Member States agreed, on 9 November 2012, on a global monitoring framework to combat non-communicable diseases, estimated at causing 86% of deaths and 77% of the disease burden in the WHO European Region. The framework consists of a set of 9 global targets to be achieved by 2025, accompanied by 25 measurement indicators. The targets are as follows:

– a 25% reduction in overall premature mortality from non-communicable diseases,

– a 10% reduction in the harmful use of alcohol,

– a 10% reduction in current figures associated with insufficient physical activity,

– less growth in the incidence rate of those withraised blood glucose/diabetes and obesity,

– a 25% reduction in raised blood pressure prevalence,

– a 30% reduction in the population intake of salt/sodium,

– a 30% reduction in tobacco use,

– at least a 50% coverage of drug therapy to prevent heart attacks and strokes

essential non-communicable diseases medicines and basic technologies to treat major NCDs to be made available and affordable.

What’s next:
January 2013: The global monitoring framework will be considered by the WHO Executive Board
May 2013: the World Health Assembly shall consider and adopt the document.

For further information:

– WHO press release – “WHO Member States make progress on non-communicable diseases”

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