
by | March 22, 2012 | News Release

World Water Day: Join the campaign to defend our right to water and sanitation

EPHA has joined the campaign to defend our right to water and sanitation as a public good and a Human Right. Led by the European Federation of Public Service Unions, a coalition of unions and civil society will launch the first European Citizen’s Initiative hoping to receive one million signatures in support of the right to water on the 2nd April 2012.

“Water is a public good, not a commodity!”

The European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) on Water and Sanitation as a Human Right has three principle demands.

1. That the EU institutions and Member States are obliged to ensure that all inhabitants enjoy the right to water and sanitation.

The European Union must promote national implementation of access to water as a human right (as defined by the UN in Resolution 64/292 on 28 July 2010) by setting binding targets for all Member States to achieve universal coverage.

2. That water supply and management of water resources must not be subject to ‘internal market rules’ and that water services are excluded from liberalisation.

Access to water is fundamental to good health and should not be subject to competition rules which restrict people in Europe’s access and supply.

3. That the EU increases its efforts to achieve universal access to water and sanitation.

The EU should make a bigger effort for water and sanitation to be enjoyed universally. The EU must set targets and make the achievement of universal (global) access to water and sanitation part of its Development policy, and earmark more of its Official Development Assistance to improving water and sanitation services.

Monika Kosinska, Secretary General will act as a campaign ambassador.

Next Steps

– Submission of the proposed text of petition to the European Commission on the 1st of April
– European Commission registration: 10 May 2012
– Launch of the collection of signatures: June 2012
– Deadline: 9 May 2013

How to join and support?

EPSU had agreed at its general assembly in 2009 to initiate the European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI) but it had to be put on hold after a delay in the European Commission to set the rules of the ECI. The procedure and rules were finally agreed upon in March 2011.

Right to Water campaign website

Information about the European Citizen’s Initiative

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