Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-related infections (EU-JAMRAI)

Life-saving antibiotics revolutionised our society and economy. Previously deadly diseases became routine illnesses, requiring little more than a brief treatment. These achievements are now at risk mainly because of the excessive or inappropriate use of antimicrobials. If we do not react on time, the combined resistance to multiple antibiotics might become the greatest world killer by 2050.

Eu Jamrai

The Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI) was a project that brought together 44 partners and 45 stakeholders. Its mission was to foster synergies among EU Member States by developing and implementing effective One Health policies to fight the rising threat of AMR and reduce healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). 

General objectives:

Identify and test evidence-based measures to address AMR and HCAI in different contexts and provide recommendations to policy-makers.

Produce concrete recommendations and promote awareness and commitment by governments and stakeholders for a European contribution to international initiatives.

Bring together different networks of policy-makers, experts, and organisations on AMR and HCAI.

Promote a ‘One Health’ in all policies approach and concept.

Project Outcomes 

Policy Briefs 

Publicity Materials 

Eu Flag And Co Funded By Health Programme

This project has received funding from the Health Program of the European Union under grant agreement No 761296.

EPHA is part of the Stakeholders Forum.

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