Health Costs of Air and Transport Pollution in European Cities

Launch of new study and online discussion

21 October 2020

10:30 - 12:00 CET


Transport pollution puts a particular burden on cities, damaging the health of all urban dwellers.

Five years after Dieselgate, new research across 432 European cities estimates that transport-related air pollution costs the average European city resident €1,276 per year, revealing the magnitude of the damage toxic air is causing to people’s health and the huge health inequalities that exist between and within countries in Europe.

Our panelists discussed the estimated healthcare costs of air and transport pollution in cities, the impact of the changes to the regulatory framework for vehicles on cities, and the measures some cities are taking to address transport pollution.


Read the report

Cedelft Presentation

Visit the interactive report website

Cllxe Damage Per Capita

Download the presentation

Presentation 2



Welcome and Introductions

The value added of health civil society.  How can civil society facilitate that dialogue with good practices

Sascha Marschang, Acting Secretary General, European Public Health Alliance 

10:40- 11:00 Health costs of air pollution in European cities and the linkage with transport

What are the estimated healthcare costs of air pollution in cities and more specifically of transport pollution?

Sander de Bruyn, CE Delft


11:00-11:10 - Questions and Answers
11:10-11:40 Panel discussion, reflecting on the study conclusions

Veronica Manfredi, European Commission – DG ENV, Head of Unit (video message)

MEP Bas Eickhout, Vice-Chair, Committee on Environment, Public Health & Food Safety (The Greens/EFA, NL), 

Dimitri Vergne, BEUC, Team Leader Sustainability

Louise Duprez, Sustainable Mobility Project Manager, Bruxelles Environnement, Brussels

Benedek Jávor,  Representative of Budapest

11:40-11:50 Questions and Answers
11:50-12:00 Conclusion and closing remarks

Anne Stauffer, Deputy Director, Health and Environment Alliance

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