Unleashing meaningful innovation through regulatory reform
19 October 2020
17:00-18:00 CET
The first in a series of online discussions on key access to medicines (A2M) priorities bringing together thought leaders and policy-makers, academics, industry representatives and NGOs, for a frank discussion of European pharmaceutical policies.
Take part in our #A2MDialogues to share your questions and ideas and help us develop actionable #A2Msolutions for decision-makers in Europe.
What effect do the shortcomings of current assessment processes have on the quality of innovation?
How do we resolve the conundrum of high prices and high uncertainty?
Our panelists discussed how regulatory and payment systems could be adapted to incentivise the timely generation of quality comparative data on the benefits and harms of new drugs and high-risk devices both before and after their market entry, profiting patients, clinicians, and healthcare systems.

Beate Wieseler
Head, Drug Assessment Department, Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG)

Huseyin Naci
Assistant Professor of Health Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science

Lydie Meheus PhD
Managing Director, Belgian Anticancer Fund

Andrea Cipriani MD PhD
Professor of Psychiatry, University of Oxford
Moderated by

Yannis Natsis
EPHA’s series of online discussions on key access to medicines (A2M) priorities brings together thought leaders and policy-makers, academics, industry representatives and NGOs, for a frank discussion of European pharmaceutical policies.