
by | November 18, 2019 | Position & Policy Papers

Roadmap for action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Superbugs cost the life of nearly 90 people every day in the EU and the EEA¹. A serious threat to patient safety, AMR crosses national borders and endangers many healthcare interventions, including life-saving surgical procedures and cancer treatments. The development and spread of multidrug-resistance has far-reaching and potentially life-threatening consequences for humans, animals and the environment, and jeopardises the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We require immediate action and commitment from EU and national policy-makers to tackle this urgent public health crisis.

AMR can only be addressed through a multi-disciplinary approach, integrating human and animal health as well as environmental perspectives. EU and national decision-makers must therefore adopt a true ‘One Health’ approach in their actions to tackle AMR, requiring better coordination between Member State Ministries, Commission Directorates, EU agencies and European Parliament Committees.

5 key strategies and targets to tackle AMR

The signatories of this Roadmap call for the implementation of 5 key strategies and targets to tackle AMR:

  1. Set targets and performance indicators
  2. Help countries mobilise resources for better implementation of national AMR policies
  3. Close the existing collaboration gap between civil society and EU policy-makers
  4. Put prevention at the heart of AMR policy-making
  5. Tackle the environmental dimension of AMR in the framework of the European Green Deal

About the Stakeholder Network on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)

The Stakeholder Network on Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) hosted under the European Commission’s Health Policy Platform and led by the European Public Health Alliance (EPHA), is the only civil society-led pan-European stakeholder network on AMR. It comprises over 80 leading organisations and individuals committed to tackling AMR from a “One Health” approach.

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