
What next for European action on childhood obesity? Key reflections from an expert debate

The EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity, the main European political tool to comprehensively address childhood obesity expired in 2020 and will soon be evaluated and renewed.In this light, a debate What next for European action on childhood obesity? Debating the follow-up to the EU Action Plan on Childhood Obesity was jointly organised on 12 October 2021 by the World Obesity Federation and the European Public Health Alliance in the framework of the STOP project. It gathered key experts to reflect and provide input into how the next European action plan should look.Key reflections from the debate highlighted the multiple opportunities existing at the European level to address childhood obesity. It also emphasised the numerous and expanded scientific evidence that has been published since the last Action Plan, especially on the social determinants and on the biological markers behind obesity. Future policies should consider including these elements and addressing obesity taking a life-course approach. It was also expressed that strong political leadership at European and national levels will be crucial to leverage cooperation and to achieve ambitious public health goals.

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