Circular migration: Silver bullet or placebo solution?

Debates over circular migration to fill employment gaps in industrialised economies are of particular relevance to the health sector, where demographic change and concurrant increases in chronic diseases and multiple morbidities are driving an ever-greater need for...

Strengthening Nursing Education Saves Lives

The impact of the economic crisis on nursing and health systems and subsequent challenges that the European Union faces, are highlighting areas where greater policy making and political decisions are needed.The updating of the Directive 2005/36/EC could politically be...

European Commission employment package confirms health as growth area

The European Commission has released a comprehensive employment package which includes a policy communication, “Towards a job-rich recovery,” and nine Commission Staff Working Documents. The package contains concrete measures to combat mass unemployment...

Commission unveils Action Plan for Health Workforce

As part of the European Commission Communication ”Towards a job-rich recovery” of 18 April 2012, a Staff Working Document on an Action Plan for the EU Health Workforce has been released. It aims to assist Member States to tackle urgent challenges and sets...
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