June 25, 2024EPHA Newsletter | The European Parliament’s shift to the right: what are the implications for EU health policy?The recent EU elections, which took place on 6-9 June, represent a pivotal moment for...2024 EU ElectionsNewslettersPolitics and Health
June 5, 2024Aligning visions for public health: EPHA’s review of the European Commission’s Health Union communicationOn May 22, the European Commission adopted a Communication on the European Health Union. This...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthOpinionPolitics and Health
May 6, 2024Webinar summary: addressing the health and care workforce crisis webinarIn the context of the ticking time bomb that the health and care workforce crisis...Health Systems and EconomyHealth WorkforceReports
March 27, 2024Health civil society engagement in a shrinking civic spaceIn a context of erosion of democratic processes and challenges to European democracies, civic space...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthOpinionPolitics and Health