New Campaign on Roma Women Empowerment launched

New Campaign on Roma Women Empowerment launched

EPHA attended a launch of a new campaign dedicated to the empowerment of Roma Women  ‘Our Place, Our Space, Our Case’. The campaign aims to empower Roma women to gain strength and power to take control of their own lives by becoming visible agents of...
Two-year EU advocacy Roma health fellowship programme

Two-year EU advocacy Roma health fellowship programme

With the support of the OSI Roma Health Project (Open Society Institute), EPHA conducted a two-year programme (2012 – 2014) to train and mentor three Roma health EU advocates. The fellowship aimed to increase the capacity of the Roma community for leadership on...
EPHA Policy Recommendations on Roma Health

EPHA Policy Recommendations on Roma Health

In light of the upcoming European Summit on Roma Inclusion, EPHA has prepared policy recommendations aimed at stimulating action to improve Roma health. EPHA will attend the Summit in the framework on its work on health inequalities in Europe. Health issues facing...
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