Roma Health in Europe

Roma Health in Europe

One of the most universally disadvantaged communities living in Europe is the Roma. The great majority of the estimated 10-12 million Roma population in the continent is found at the very bottom of the socio-economic spectrum: they suffer worse health than the other...
Legal action for Roma inclusion: a new dawn for Roma Health Mediators?

Legal action for Roma inclusion: a new dawn for Roma Health Mediators?

At its 9-10 December meeting, the Council of the European Union adopted unanimously the Council recommendations on effective Roma integration measures in the member states. They focus on the main vulnerability factors of Roma such as poor health, poor housing, poor...
Roma Integration: the Role of Local Authorities

Roma Integration: the Role of Local Authorities

The European Roma Information Office (ERIO) organised a seminar on 24 October that highlighted the important role that local authorities play in putting into action Roma integration measures given they are dealing with real people in dynamic and diverse communities....
A Roma perspective of the EPHA 4th Annual conference

A Roma perspective of the EPHA 4th Annual conference

EPHA’s 4th Annual Conference on 4 & 5 September 2013 “Our health, our economy, our society, our future: a Brave New World” paid particular attention to the Roma perspective of breaking the cycle of inequalities. EPHA would like to thank the Open Society...
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