In its response to the open public consultation on Digital Services Act (DSA) package announced by the European Commission, the European Public Health Alliance recommends the development of an EU-wide regulatory baseline setting a high level of health protection to...
In response to the European Commission’s consultation on its forthcoming Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy, the European Public Health Alliance supports the Commission’s intention to adopt a comprehensive strategy to reduce transport-related...
Brussels, 2 July 2020 To: Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Values and Transparency Dear Commission Vice-President Jourová, Re: European Commission relations with the tobacco industry We are writing to you on behalf of civil society, public health and...
Guest Article: Anton Kalin, Project Manager, Slovenian Coalition for Public Health, Environment and Tobacco Control A meta-analysis of the effects from reducing tobacco excise duty in different countries – making the case to reduce Slovenia’s tobacco...
Guest Article; Brian Ward, Director of Advocacy and European Public Affairs, European Respiratory Society The theme of this year’s World No Tobacco Day has been extremely timely and important: to protect youth from industry manipulation and to prevent them from both...