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Flying blind into a storm – a good strategy for mental health in Europe?

Most would guess the conclusions of this article from the headline. Clearly, it’s a bad...

Tackling the impact of cancer on health, the economy and society

An estimated 11 people in the OECD are diagnosed with cancer every minute, with far-reaching...

Why the European Parliament must continue its lead in the fight against cancer

A new case of cancer is diagnosed every nine seconds in the European Union (EU)....

Putting health at the heart of food systems: A European competitiveness perspective

Food is a fundamental human need, yet today’s food systems face challenges that extend beyond...

Is the Swedish alcohol monopoly toast, or a reason for toasting?

One of the most inspiring parts of this journey has been the partnerships forged with...

Letter calls for health civil society to contribute to the ECs vision for agriculture and food

EPHA has joined other Health groups representing millions of patients, doctors and nutritionists across the...

EPHA Contribution to TRIS Notification 2024/0388/SE: Draft Act Amending the Alcohol Act

EPHA expresses strong opposition to the proposed amendments to the Swedish Alcohol Act, which suggest...

Smoke free environment proposal – A welcome first step, but much still left to be done

The Commission has proposed a revision of the Council recommendation on Smoke Free Environments that...

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