Publications Categories All categoriesNewslettersPodcastsConsultation ResponsesNews ReleaseOpinionPosition & Policy PapersReportsStatements Topic Topic TopicAll Topics2024 EU ElectionsAccess to MedicinesAgriculture & FoodAlcoholAntimicrobial Resistance (AMR)CancerChild HealthClean Air, Transport & CitiesClean Cooking & HeatingClimate CrisisDigital HealthDiscriminationEPHA NewsEurope and HealthHealth WorkforceHuman RightsMental HealthNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)ObesityPandemics & Infectious DiseasesPartnershipsRoma HealthSocial Determinants of HealthSustainabilityTobaccoTrade & HealthUniversal Health Coverage Policy Policy PolicyAll PoliciesHealthy EnvironmentsHealthcare DeliveryHealth EquityHealth Systems and EconomyGlobal Public HealthDigital TransformationPolitics and Health Search Search Search Clear December 17, 2024EPHA Newsletter | The imperative for cross-area action to combat commercial determinants of healthSince our last newsletter focusing on the Healthy Environments Cluster, we’ve witnessed substantial institutional changes. Healthy EnvironmentsNewslettersNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)Social Determinants of HealthDecember 13, 2024Flying blind into a storm – a good strategy for mental health in Europe?Most would guess the conclusions of this article from the headline. Clearly, it’s a bad...Healthy EnvironmentsMental HealthOpinionDecember 13, 2024Tackling the impact of cancer on health, the economy and societyAn estimated 11 people in the OECD are diagnosed with cancer every minute, with far-reaching...CancerHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionDecember 13, 2024Why the European Parliament must continue its lead in the fight against cancerA new case of cancer is diagnosed every nine seconds in the European Union (EU)....CancerHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionDecember 13, 2024Are you walking the walk, or still talking the talk?Reduction of health inequities and improving health of groups in vulnerable situations are priority themes...Healthy EnvironmentsOpinionSocial Determinants of HealthDecember 13, 2024Putting health at the heart of food systems: A European competitiveness perspectiveFood is a fundamental human need, yet today’s food systems face challenges that extend beyond...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionDecember 13, 2024Is the Swedish alcohol monopoly toast, or a reason for toasting?One of the most inspiring parts of this journey has been the partnerships forged with...AlcoholHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionDecember 11, 2024Letter calls for health civil society to contribute to the ECs vision for agriculture and foodEPHA has joined other Health groups representing millions of patients, doctors and nutritionists across the...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsNews ReleaseOctober 9, 2024EPHA Contribution to TRIS Notification 2024/0388/SE: Draft Act Amending the Alcohol ActEPHA expresses strong opposition to the proposed amendments to the Swedish Alcohol Act, which suggest...AlcoholHealthy EnvironmentsPosition & Policy PapersSeptember 18, 2024Smoke free environment proposal – A welcome first step, but much still left to be doneThe Commission has proposed a revision of the Council recommendation on Smoke Free Environments that...Healthy EnvironmentsNews ReleaseTobaccoAugust 26, 2024Health and climate action: Tackling air pollution and its impact on cancerGuest article by Riccardo Moschetti, Policy Officer, European Cancer Organisation Throughout human history, climate and...Clean Air, Transport & CitiesGlobal Public HealthHealthy EnvironmentsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)OpinionAugust 2, 2024EPHA’s participation in the public consultation on SRIA for EP brain healthThe European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) is pleased to have participated in the public consultation...Consultation ResponsesHealthy EnvironmentsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)June 20, 2024EPHA’s contributes to WHO Europe’s report on the commercial determinants of non-communicable diseasesOur voice matters! Actions that citizens and civil society can take to tackle the commercial...AlcoholHealthy EnvironmentsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)ReportsMay 23, 2024EPHA Newsletter | Uniting civil society: a collaborative fight against commercial determinants of healthIn the ongoing battle against non-communicable diseases (NCDs), confronting the commercial determinants that adversely affect...2024 EU ElectionsAgriculture & FoodClimate CrisisHealthy EnvironmentsNewslettersNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)TobaccoMay 22, 2024Food deserts and swamps in Flanders – BelgiumFlanders has more and more neighbourhoods with an abundance of unhealthy food (food swamps). Elsewhere,...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionMay 22, 2024Tailoring messages about healthy and sustainable eating to reach the most vulnerableA significant proportion of the global chronic disease burden is caused by dietary patterns that...Agriculture & FoodClimate CrisisDiscriminationHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionSustainabilityMay 22, 2024Why it’s high time to put change on the menuAlmost every day dire headlines govern the news: record temperatures, droughts, biodiversity loss, food inflation,...Agriculture & FoodClimate CrisisHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionMay 22, 2024The Open Food Conference under the Belgian PresidencyIn March 2024 Flanders organized the Open Food Conference in light of the Belgian Presidency...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion Load more Get the EPHA Newsletter The best of our activities, right in your inbox! SUBSCRIBE
December 17, 2024EPHA Newsletter | The imperative for cross-area action to combat commercial determinants of healthSince our last newsletter focusing on the Healthy Environments Cluster, we’ve witnessed substantial institutional changes. Healthy EnvironmentsNewslettersNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)Social Determinants of Health
December 13, 2024Flying blind into a storm – a good strategy for mental health in Europe?Most would guess the conclusions of this article from the headline. Clearly, it’s a bad...Healthy EnvironmentsMental HealthOpinion
December 13, 2024Tackling the impact of cancer on health, the economy and societyAn estimated 11 people in the OECD are diagnosed with cancer every minute, with far-reaching...CancerHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion
December 13, 2024Why the European Parliament must continue its lead in the fight against cancerA new case of cancer is diagnosed every nine seconds in the European Union (EU)....CancerHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion
December 13, 2024Are you walking the walk, or still talking the talk?Reduction of health inequities and improving health of groups in vulnerable situations are priority themes...Healthy EnvironmentsOpinionSocial Determinants of Health
December 13, 2024Putting health at the heart of food systems: A European competitiveness perspectiveFood is a fundamental human need, yet today’s food systems face challenges that extend beyond...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion
December 13, 2024Is the Swedish alcohol monopoly toast, or a reason for toasting?One of the most inspiring parts of this journey has been the partnerships forged with...AlcoholHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion
December 11, 2024Letter calls for health civil society to contribute to the ECs vision for agriculture and foodEPHA has joined other Health groups representing millions of patients, doctors and nutritionists across the...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsNews Release
October 9, 2024EPHA Contribution to TRIS Notification 2024/0388/SE: Draft Act Amending the Alcohol ActEPHA expresses strong opposition to the proposed amendments to the Swedish Alcohol Act, which suggest...AlcoholHealthy EnvironmentsPosition & Policy Papers
September 18, 2024Smoke free environment proposal – A welcome first step, but much still left to be doneThe Commission has proposed a revision of the Council recommendation on Smoke Free Environments that...Healthy EnvironmentsNews ReleaseTobacco
August 26, 2024Health and climate action: Tackling air pollution and its impact on cancerGuest article by Riccardo Moschetti, Policy Officer, European Cancer Organisation Throughout human history, climate and...Clean Air, Transport & CitiesGlobal Public HealthHealthy EnvironmentsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)Opinion
August 2, 2024EPHA’s participation in the public consultation on SRIA for EP brain healthThe European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) is pleased to have participated in the public consultation...Consultation ResponsesHealthy EnvironmentsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)
June 20, 2024EPHA’s contributes to WHO Europe’s report on the commercial determinants of non-communicable diseasesOur voice matters! Actions that citizens and civil society can take to tackle the commercial...AlcoholHealthy EnvironmentsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)Reports
May 23, 2024EPHA Newsletter | Uniting civil society: a collaborative fight against commercial determinants of healthIn the ongoing battle against non-communicable diseases (NCDs), confronting the commercial determinants that adversely affect...2024 EU ElectionsAgriculture & FoodClimate CrisisHealthy EnvironmentsNewslettersNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)Tobacco
May 22, 2024Food deserts and swamps in Flanders – BelgiumFlanders has more and more neighbourhoods with an abundance of unhealthy food (food swamps). Elsewhere,...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion
May 22, 2024Tailoring messages about healthy and sustainable eating to reach the most vulnerableA significant proportion of the global chronic disease burden is caused by dietary patterns that...Agriculture & FoodClimate CrisisDiscriminationHealthy EnvironmentsOpinionSustainability
May 22, 2024Why it’s high time to put change on the menuAlmost every day dire headlines govern the news: record temperatures, droughts, biodiversity loss, food inflation,...Agriculture & FoodClimate CrisisHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion
May 22, 2024The Open Food Conference under the Belgian PresidencyIn March 2024 Flanders organized the Open Food Conference in light of the Belgian Presidency...Agriculture & FoodHealthy EnvironmentsOpinion