The Better Regulation for Better Health project has organised a consultation activity to identify barriers and enablers of civil society participation, particularly in terms of consultation activities (i.e., surveys, workshops, events, feedback processes). Elements...
EPHA worked with Triangulate Health to develop a scoping review that would help understanding what is known about health as a driver for a well-being economy and identifying opportunities for engaging European policy makers in well-being economy processes. The...
The health-relevant policy adopted by the European Union (EU) is shaped by a complex policy-making system that seeks to balance the diverse interests, values and needs of a broad range of societal groups. This system represents something between a science and an art,...
We, representatives of the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance, gathering more than 30 health civil society organisations representing health professionals, citizens, patients and public health organisations, wish to request a meeting with Ursula von der Leyen to discuss...
The European Public Health Alliance welcomes and congratulates Ursula von der Leyen for her second mandate as President of the European Commission. Before passing a vote by MEPs, in a document and a speech to the plenary in Strasbourg, Ursula von der Leyen presented...