The European Parliament is undertaking an extremely important task of examining how the European Union has dealt with the response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. We know that its impact on almost every aspect of our lives and livelihoods has been and often...
Looking back at the last two years, it is remarkable that it has taken a pandemic to understand the true importance of (public) health. Equally striking is the notion that it has taken two years to realise that there is no going “back to normal”, that a whole new...
Guest article by Tamsin Rose, Senior Fellow for Health at Friends of Europe and former Secretary-General at EPHA COVID-19 was unprecedented but not unpredicted. In 2018, the WHO designated ‘Disease X‘ as representing the knowledge that a serious international...
As I write, I am conscious that we are approaching the two-year anniversary of COVID-19’s arrival in Europe. My last in-person meeting was an EPHA Board meeting in early March 2020, and I recall us all wondering around the table quite what the future would hold. In...
Marije Versteeg, Senior Global Health Advocate at Wemos, @Marije_Versteeg Since the onset of the pandemic, a multitude of access initiatives and proposals have been initiated by public and multilateral institutions worldwide, ranging from COVAX, the...