
by | April 20, 2017 | Reports

My eHealth, My Way: Personal Experiences in Effective eHealth Use | eHealth week 2017

eHealth Week 2017


Every year, eHealth Week gathers stakeholders from across the EU to address international hot topics related to healthcare IT and regional cooperation. The overarching theme of eHealth Week 2017 is Data for Health: the key to personalised sustainable care. Opportunities are growing for ICT to support patient-centered health services and the involvement of patients in their own care, including access to personal health data, sharing of data, and mHealth applications. Malta’s Digital Health Strategy for the years 2017 to 2021 will be presented. This conference is an official part of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union.

eHealth week is organised by:
The Maltese Ministry of Health | European Commission | HIMSS Eurpoe

In collaboration with:
World Health Organization Europe | HIMSS CHiME International

EPHA is proud to announce its session entitled:

My eHealth, My Way:
Personal Experiences in Effective eHealth Use

Thursday, 11.5.2017 11:45 – 12:45


This session will explore the added value of digital tools designed to increase health awareness and improve disease management. EPHA and its Members will present experiences from specific areas, including mental health and diabetes, to show in what way(s) eHealth meets users’ needs and expectations. We aspire to highlight patients’ enthusiasm and concerns related to the integration of digital tools into healthcare: do they “empower”, and what are the remaining barriers?


Sascha Marschang, Director of Membership, European Public Health Alliance
Lucien Kampijon, Mental Health Europe
Kyle Rose, International Diabetes Federation
Gertrude Buttigieg, Malta Health Network (Moderation)


Will you be at eHealth week? Follow Track 2 on Thursday 11, and join us at 11:45

Can’t be in Malta? Follow the discussion live at #eHealthweek

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