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EPHA Newsletter | The European Parliament’s shift to the right: what are the implications for EU health policy?

The recent EU elections, which took place on 6-9 June, represent a pivotal moment for...

Keeping the #UseYourVote momentum: The Path Forward After the European Elections

The European Parliament’s elections campaign, with the tagline #UseYourVote or others will decide for you,...

Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

We believe the social and health dimensions are of utmost importance and should be given...

Strengthening Public Health Across the European Union – EPHA’s advocacy ahead of the 2024 EU Elections

In 2024, 2 billion people around the world will be voting. The European elections will...

Concerns Over EU4Health Cuts: Letter to Prime Minister De Croo and Health Minister Vandenbroucke

The EU4Health Civil Society Alliance has written an open letter to Belgian Prime Minister Alexander...

EPHA Response to EU4Health Programme Consultation

Our response acknowledges the Programme’s significant health funding and initiatives like the EU Beating Cancer...

Call for tender – Video project on public health as an EU priority

01/02/2024 – Update: We have successfully secured a project leader for our video initiative. In the...

The critical importance of sustainable funding for health civil society

EPHA welcomes the announcement from the European Commission that the EU4Health programme will continue the...

Using access-to-document requests to support health policy advocacy | Workshop Report

This workshop sought to introduce access-to-document (A2D) systems to EPHA and its members, and explore...

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