Publications Categories All categoriesNewslettersPodcastsConsultation ResponsesNews ReleaseOpinionPosition & Policy PapersReportsStatements Topic Topic TopicAll Topics2024 EU ElectionsAccess to MedicinesAgriculture & FoodAlcoholAntimicrobial Resistance (AMR)CancerChild HealthClean Air, Transport & CitiesClean Cooking & HeatingClimate CrisisDigital HealthDiscriminationEPHA NewsEurope and HealthHealth WorkforceHuman RightsMental HealthNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)ObesityPandemics & Infectious DiseasesPartnershipsRoma HealthSocial Determinants of HealthSustainabilityTobaccoTrade & HealthUniversal Health Coverage Policy Policy PolicyAll PoliciesHealthy EnvironmentsHealthcare DeliveryHealth EquityHealth Systems and EconomyGlobal Public HealthDigital TransformationPolitics and Health Search Search Search Clear November 21, 2024Political agreement reached on new Commission – EPHA reactionThe main political groups of the European Parliament have approved, with a revised distribution of...2024 EU ElectionsNews ReleasePolitics and HealthNovember 21, 2024Better Regulation for Better Health consultation project – recommendationsThe Better Regulation for Better Health project has organised a consultation activity to identify barriers...Europe and HealthPolitics and HealthReportsOctober 17, 2024Between art and science: Policy-making for health in the EUThe health-relevant policy adopted by the European Union (EU) is shaped by a complex policy-making...Europe and HealthPolitics and HealthReportsSeptember 25, 2024Letter to Ursula von der Leyen on the appointment of a health commissionerWe, representatives of the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance, gathering more than 30 health civil society...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthPolitics and HealthStatementsJuly 19, 2024Ursula von der Leyen approved for a second term, with priorities a kaleidoscope of political coloursThe European Public Health Alliance welcomes and congratulates Ursula von der Leyen for her second...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthPolitics and HealthStatementsJuly 11, 2024Call for the appointment of a Vice-President for Health, Wellbeing and Social RightsWe believe that your experience over your first mandate period is invaluable in view of...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthPolitics and HealthStatementsJune 25, 2024EPHA Newsletter | The European Parliament’s shift to the right: what are the implications for EU health policy?The recent EU elections, which took place on 6-9 June, represent a pivotal moment for...2024 EU ElectionsNewslettersPolitics and HealthJune 24, 2024Another milestone towards the end of the Commercial Determinants of HealthThe report builds on the Lancet series on the Commercial Determinants of Health, and it...2024 EU ElectionsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)OpinionPolitics and HealthJune 20, 2024Assessing MEPs’ commitment to sustainable food systems: EU Food Policy Coalition’s scorecards unveiledAhead of the European Elections this year, and recognising the growing importance and awareness of...2024 EU ElectionsAgriculture & FoodDiscriminationOpinionPolitics and HealthJune 19, 2024Advocating for liver health: the role of ELPA and the impact of the recent EU electionsLiver health is intrinsically linked to the overall public health landscape. Chronic liver diseases, such...2024 EU ElectionsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)OpinionPolitics and HealthJune 19, 2024Keeping the #UseYourVote momentum: the path forward after the European electionsThe European Parliament’s elections campaign, with the tagline #UseYourVote or others will decide for you,...2024 EU ElectionsOpinionPolitics and HealthJune 5, 2024Aligning visions for public health: EPHA’s review of the European Commission’s Health Union communicationOn May 22, the European Commission adopted a Communication on the European Health Union. This...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthOpinionPolitics and HealthJune 1, 2024EPHA Concurs with Council Diagnosis on the EU Health UnionThe European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) welcomes the Council (EPSCO) Conclusions on the Future of...EPHA NewsEurope and HealthNews ReleasePolitics and HealthMay 16, 2024EU parties’ manifestos: A critical analysis of health policy promises ahead of the 2024 EU ElectionsThe upcoming European elections will be decisive for the future of the European Union and...2024 EU ElectionsAccess to MedicinesAgriculture & FoodAntimicrobial Resistance (AMR)Climate CrisisDigital HealthEurope and HealthHealth WorkforceNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)Politics and HealthReportsUniversal Health CoverageMay 6, 2024Putting health back on the EU agendaThe approaching European Parliament elections serve as a reminder that EPHA has been working towards...2024 EU ElectionsOpinionPolitics and HealthMarch 27, 2024Health civil society engagement in a shrinking civic spaceIn a context of erosion of democratic processes and challenges to European democracies, civic space...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthOpinionPolitics and HealthMarch 11, 2024Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029We believe the social and health dimensions are of utmost importance and should be given...2024 EU ElectionsPolitics and HealthStatementsFebruary 29, 2024Everything you always wanted to know about genes, or why does it matter who wins electionsThis paper is a synthesis and a pitch. It offers a fusion of the author’s...2024 EU ElectionsPolitics and HealthPosition & Policy Papers Load more Get the EPHA Newsletter The best of our activities, right in your inbox! SUBSCRIBE
November 21, 2024Political agreement reached on new Commission – EPHA reactionThe main political groups of the European Parliament have approved, with a revised distribution of...2024 EU ElectionsNews ReleasePolitics and Health
November 21, 2024Better Regulation for Better Health consultation project – recommendationsThe Better Regulation for Better Health project has organised a consultation activity to identify barriers...Europe and HealthPolitics and HealthReports
October 17, 2024Between art and science: Policy-making for health in the EUThe health-relevant policy adopted by the European Union (EU) is shaped by a complex policy-making...Europe and HealthPolitics and HealthReports
September 25, 2024Letter to Ursula von der Leyen on the appointment of a health commissionerWe, representatives of the EU4Health Civil Society Alliance, gathering more than 30 health civil society...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthPolitics and HealthStatements
July 19, 2024Ursula von der Leyen approved for a second term, with priorities a kaleidoscope of political coloursThe European Public Health Alliance welcomes and congratulates Ursula von der Leyen for her second...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthPolitics and HealthStatements
July 11, 2024Call for the appointment of a Vice-President for Health, Wellbeing and Social RightsWe believe that your experience over your first mandate period is invaluable in view of...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthPolitics and HealthStatements
June 25, 2024EPHA Newsletter | The European Parliament’s shift to the right: what are the implications for EU health policy?The recent EU elections, which took place on 6-9 June, represent a pivotal moment for...2024 EU ElectionsNewslettersPolitics and Health
June 24, 2024Another milestone towards the end of the Commercial Determinants of HealthThe report builds on the Lancet series on the Commercial Determinants of Health, and it...2024 EU ElectionsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)OpinionPolitics and Health
June 20, 2024Assessing MEPs’ commitment to sustainable food systems: EU Food Policy Coalition’s scorecards unveiledAhead of the European Elections this year, and recognising the growing importance and awareness of...2024 EU ElectionsAgriculture & FoodDiscriminationOpinionPolitics and Health
June 19, 2024Advocating for liver health: the role of ELPA and the impact of the recent EU electionsLiver health is intrinsically linked to the overall public health landscape. Chronic liver diseases, such...2024 EU ElectionsNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)OpinionPolitics and Health
June 19, 2024Keeping the #UseYourVote momentum: the path forward after the European electionsThe European Parliament’s elections campaign, with the tagline #UseYourVote or others will decide for you,...2024 EU ElectionsOpinionPolitics and Health
June 5, 2024Aligning visions for public health: EPHA’s review of the European Commission’s Health Union communicationOn May 22, the European Commission adopted a Communication on the European Health Union. This...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthOpinionPolitics and Health
June 1, 2024EPHA Concurs with Council Diagnosis on the EU Health UnionThe European Public Health Alliance (EPHA) welcomes the Council (EPSCO) Conclusions on the Future of...EPHA NewsEurope and HealthNews ReleasePolitics and Health
May 16, 2024EU parties’ manifestos: A critical analysis of health policy promises ahead of the 2024 EU ElectionsThe upcoming European elections will be decisive for the future of the European Union and...2024 EU ElectionsAccess to MedicinesAgriculture & FoodAntimicrobial Resistance (AMR)Climate CrisisDigital HealthEurope and HealthHealth WorkforceNon Communicable Diseases (NCDs)Politics and HealthReportsUniversal Health Coverage
May 6, 2024Putting health back on the EU agendaThe approaching European Parliament elections serve as a reminder that EPHA has been working towards...2024 EU ElectionsOpinionPolitics and Health
March 27, 2024Health civil society engagement in a shrinking civic spaceIn a context of erosion of democratic processes and challenges to European democracies, civic space...2024 EU ElectionsEurope and HealthOpinionPolitics and Health
March 11, 2024Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029We believe the social and health dimensions are of utmost importance and should be given...2024 EU ElectionsPolitics and HealthStatements
February 29, 2024Everything you always wanted to know about genes, or why does it matter who wins electionsThis paper is a synthesis and a pitch. It offers a fusion of the author’s...2024 EU ElectionsPolitics and HealthPosition & Policy Papers