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Better Regulation for Better Health consultation project – recommendations

The Better Regulation for Better Health project has organised a consultation activity to identify barriers...

Between art and science: Policy-making for health in the EU

The health-relevant policy adopted by the European Union (EU) is shaped by a complex policy-making...

EPHA Newsletter | The European Parliament’s shift to the right: what are the implications for EU health policy?

The recent EU elections, which took place on 6-9 June, represent a pivotal moment for...

Keeping the #UseYourVote momentum: the path forward after the European elections

The European Parliament’s elections campaign, with the tagline #UseYourVote or others will decide for you,...

Integrating Social and Health ambitions into the next EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029

We believe the social and health dimensions are of utmost importance and should be given...

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